To Take Charge of Growing Your Business...

Learn the step by step marketingΒ process to confidently pitch, negotiate, and land consistent paid work with the RIGHT Brands so that you can spend less time finding new clients andΒ more time getting paid to create content.


Let's talk about who this is for...

You are a food content creator that has big dreams ✨  And are ready to build a lucrative business that allows you to work with high value clients that align with your brand and offering.

Whether You're...

πŸ”†An aspiring food content creator that feels stuck with how to turn your passion into a profitable business and are tired of searching for brands that will value your worth instead of paying in product.

πŸ”†Food Content Creator that has worked with brands but you feel frustrated by sending countless pitch emails that aren't converting and need a proven step by step process and strategy to proactively find and land high value clients so that you can take your business to the next level.

πŸ”†A mompreneur or side hustler that doesn't have a lot of time and needs a roadmap that will teach you exactly how to effectively build a continuous funnel of brand partnerships so that you can pitch less and and get back to the creative side of your biz.


You know how important pitching is to growing your creative business and building consistent income

That pitching brands= more sales


Your'e in the right place! The Confident Pitch Program will give you the business knowledge, proven strategy, and step by step process to finding, landing and negotiating more brand deals. 


And you've probably found yourself stuck with how to find paying clients and consistently land brand opportunities


  • How do you even find the RIGHT brands to pitch?
  • How do you communicate value and convince a brand to say YES!' to working with YOU?

  •  If a brand responds asking for your rates- what do you do next so that you don’t get ghosted?

  •  How do you overcome when a brand says they don’t have budget or that they don’t have any opportunities right now?

  • How often should you pitch? How often should you follow up? How many brands do you need to pitch to have consistent work month after month?

 I see you, because I have been there too.  

And now I've coached hundreds of aspiring and established Food Photographers & Bloggers with how to build a strategy and process to successfully pitch to brands, land dream partnerships, and navigate the not so fun business side of being a Food Content Creator. 


So which one of these myths are you telling yourself? 


"I am just starting as a food photographer and blogger...I think I will wait to grow my social following and blog traffic first"

You could wait. Or you could take a proactive approach and start making money right now. Monetizing your blog and sponsored social posts are only one of the many ways you can monetize in this industry. Start pitching freelance work (aka making content for the brands website or social) and get a quick cash injection into your business while you grow your blog. 

"I seem to never find the right brands. They either don't have budget or they expect me to work in exchange for product"

The most important yet overlooked part of the pitching process actually starts before you ever reach out to a brand. It's not that you aren't finding the right brands but more than likely that you aren't communicating your value to the brand so they give you a common smoke screen- "We don't have budget". Knowing how to effectively qualify a brand before you ever send that first e-mail will significantly save you time and lead to pitching higher value clients. 

 "I've been sending countless pitch e-mails with little to no success- it feels like a waste of time" 

With a strategic pitching approach, the goal is to e-mail a lower volume of brands each month yet yielding a higher conversion. Work smarter, not harder. Having a step by step pitching process allows you to quickly identify why potential clients are holding back from hiring you so that you can guide them to a signed contract. Such as how to overcome when they tell you that they don't have budget...

Now Imagine if...

  • You knew how to identify the RIGHT brands to pitch so you no longer get ghosted by brands or only get low ball offers.
  • You were given a proven strategy and all the tools to help prioritize your time in order to see tangible results more quickly and increase revenue. 
  • You had a repeatable process to follow with each client so that you knew exactly what to say and when.
  • You could finally start making meaningful money.
  • You didn't have to waste any more time sending pitch e-mails into la la land without getting a response.

What would it be like to have a consistent funnel of brand opportunities so that you never have to worry about where to find your next client or how to hit your income goals?

All it takes is consistently pitching 5-10 brands per month. YES really!

Messages from CPP Students!




The secret sauce? It's my BRANDS Method that walks you through a step by step sales funnel from how to qualify the RIGHT brands to handling negotiations so that you can  increase your WIN rate and land more mutually beneficial paid partnerships without the stress!





Learn the S.P.A Method that teaches how to pitch as few as 5-10 brands per month and yield a higher conversion. This formula gives you insight about the exact number of brands that YOU need to email in order to hit your income goals. Work less but book more clients, sounds too good to be true, right?

Step by step booking PROCESS

The BRANDS Method teaches you a typical buying cycle that potential clients go throughΒ when deciding to hire a content creator.Β This process is aΒ GAME CHANGER to help you know exactly HOW to lead a client toΒ YES!

How To Find The Right Brands

I will teach you how to qualify a brand before ever reaching out. You will know who to focus your time on and when to walk away, based on buyer types. Creating ultimate efficiency in your pitching game! Gone are the days of brands expecting you to work for product. 

Create Process + Workflow

Access to all the tools and systems that I use daily so that you can maximize your time and effeciency. This is how I make more money by working less.

Pricing + Negotiations

I will should you how to calculate your pricing for profit and confidently send your rates toΒ a brand and negotiate for the rate that you deserve.Β 

Β Contracts, Media Kit Guide, and Proposals

You don't have to start from scratch!Β All the customizable templates you need to protect your business and showcase your unique value proposition from your media kit to contracts.



Access to 15+ Pitch Templates

That are easily customizable so that you can tailor your message to get more responses from brands and scale with you as your business evolves.

Access to a Members only FB group

A like minded community and safe place to ask business related questions so you never feel stuck or alone!

STOP WASTING YOUR TIME trying to find brand deals without a strategy or roadmap...



or spending hours creating content for social to get lost in the algorithm noise hoping to be seen and land brand deals.

Direct e-mail marketing is 40x more effective than relying on social media. 


Effectively Pitching is a learned skill, much like photography.


Pitching is your direct line to profit... 






Success in Business requires ACTION.

When fast actionΒ meets withΒ strategy, process and efficiency....thats when the magic happens!

I've coachedΒ hundreds of food photographers, bloggers and content creators how to pitch and land more clients.Β They are the action takers! Many reporting that they didn't realize how much income they were missing out on by not pitching and that simply applying a strategy made all the difference.Β 

I haveΒ been featured on several podcasts and conferences including: FoodbloggerPro, Eat Blog Talk, The Ultimate Blog, Align and Expand, Tastemaker Conference, and Food Blogger Summit.Β 

ThisΒ step by step sales process turned my stagnant business into profit in just 90 days. I went from sending pitch e-mails with very few conversions to an average of a 75% conversion rate. Best in class companies report an average of 20-30% close rate. ThatΒ means for every 5 brands that I e-mail, 3 are likely to convert. I am going to show youΒ exactly how!

All companies invest in a sales team to generate entrepreneurs, we must be our own sales team. Its an inevitable part of being a business owner. Having a pitching process in your biz will separate you from those that are just getting by to those who are doing BIG things!

I created the first ever comprehensive Business Course- The Confident Pitch Program- to teach my exact process for running a profitable business that allows me to say YES to clients that lift me up and NO to work that is draining. CPP student's are landing their first brand deals, working with clients like Bob's Red Mill, and have the financial freedom to move out of their parents house, pay off debt, go on vacation, and take their business full time!

Imagine knowing exactly how to increase your revenueΒ using aΒ proven business strategy that scales with you as your business growsΒ so that you never have to stress about hitting your income goals and you can get back to doing what you love most- the creative stuff!Β 



The Confident Pitch Program will give you the business strategy, tools and confidence to build a consistent funnel of paid opportunities  so that you can get back to doing more of the creative stuff. Ya know, like take beautiful images and make yummy recipes.


And just who will be teaching you?

Hello! I'mΒ Candice Ward


I built my lucrative photography business by pitching.Β When I left myΒ decade longΒ sales career to pursue entrepreneurship,Β I gave myself 90 days to turn my stagnant business into profit.

And althoughΒ I was able to land my first paid partnership with a national brand just 3 months after learning food photography,Β I felt underpaid andΒ stressed about how to find my next client, and the next one after that in order to hit my income goals. This just wasn't sustainable...

So I built a step by step pitching process that allowed me to quickly identify the RIGHT brands to pitch and understandΒ how to lead potentialΒ clients through the exact sales funnel that I used in my corporateΒ days to hit massive quotas.Β 

And what happened? Β I started consistently closing brand deals with e-mailing as few as 5 brands per month.Β And turning those clients into long term customers. And building a funnel of opportunities so that I never have to worry about where to find my next client.

Success inΒ landing paid work as a freelance entrepreneur is far more than just writing the perfect pitch e-mail...

This exact pitching method has allowed me to grow my income byΒ 35% year over yearΒ without hiring a team or working more hours. I've been able to make a full time income on aΒ 10 hour work week, take 1 month off to travel with my family and have creative freedom to only say yes to clients that are in alignment with my brand.Β I know that you can make that happen for your business, too.Β 

I am passionate about helping other Food Content Creators buildΒ a thriving business that is bothΒ purposeful AND profitable. I hope to see you inside TheΒ Confident Pitch Program andΒ level up your business strategy.



The first comprehensive business course for Food Content Creators that simplifiesΒ the marketing & sales process so thatΒ you confidently find, pitch and landΒ consistent brand opportunities month after month.Β 

Create a foolproof system that converts - without sacrificing YOU or your TIME.

Immediate access to all 4 modules, 20 Lessons, 6+Bonuses, & FB Group


By the end of The Confident Pitch Program, you will have...

  • Developed a Business PlanΒ with a streamline workflow, pitching strategy, and consistent scheduleΒ so that you can track results.
  • Find that right brands to pitch, so you can stop wasting your time pitching brands that undervalue your services or expect you to work in exchange for product.
  • Learned HowΒ to Write a Value Driven PitchΒ to deliver theΒ RIGHT message to the RIGHT BrandΒ thatΒ results in getting an actual response.
  • ImplementedΒ the 6 Step Sales Process- that is founded uponΒ Business PrinciplesΒ that stand the test of time so that you have a system to follow that can scale with you as your business grows.Β 
  • Confidently Send Your Rates- and Navigate any objections that is thrown your way,Β so you can convert more pitches into paying clients.


And you'll have on going support with access to a members only FB Group with aΒ like minded community and safe place to ask business related questions so you never feel stuck or alone!

You also gain access to add on 1-1 coaching support at a discounted rate.




GIMME ACCESS TO The Confident Pitch Program
Sign Me Up Now ➑

Writing emails seems like such a small part of business but when you are selling your services, it is vital in the success of landing clients. The Confident pitch program was one of the most impactful courses I took when it came to turning my food photography hobby into a business. After taking the course, I reworked my pitch email and the rate at which brands responded, doubled!!! This massively increased my confidence and led to me focussing more on pitching brands and landing dream clients. 

Audrey Leonard with @Redcurrantbakery


Before joining the Confident Pitch Program, I had not worked with clients yet and had very little direction with pitching in general. I didn't understand how to properly scope out potential clients or how to align my services with the needs of potential clients. Candice provides such a clear formula, lays out actionable steps to overcome the common hurdles and gaps in knowledge surrounding pitching, and offers valuable examples to utilize when communicating with brands. Since taking Candice's course, I have been able to take my business full-time, have consistently worked with my dream brand, have landed 3 annual contracts which make up about 70% of my income, and feel much more confident in myself, my business, and my ability to communicate with clients! Thank you, Candice!
Elise @sweetsbyeliseblog 


Before I took Candice's Confident Pitch Program I felt SO intimidated by the pitching process. Imposter syndrome and fear of the unknown had kept me from pitching brands.

Candice's course gave me the confidence I needed to hit send on that first email.  I love how she walks you through the process and gives you the tools to send a pitch that gets a response! 
The first two pitches I sent following completion of the program landed me deals; paying me back my investment and over quadrupling my profit.   In the time since taking the course, I have an organized and efficient pitching process and am building my client base.  In Q1 of 2023 I exceeded my photography income from the entirety of 2022!
Candice is a wealth of information and has continued to be a cheerleader and support for my business.  I feel honored to call her a friend and would encourage anyone wanting to gain expertise in the food photography world to take her course!
Tasia  @twosugarbugs

TheΒ Confident Pitch Program

AΒ comprehensive business courseΒ thatΒ helpsΒ you confidently find, pitch and land more high-value brand opportunities in less than 4 weeks, so that you canΒ spend less time pitching and more time on the creative stuff.Β 

Create a foolproof system thatΒ convertsΒ -Β without sacrificing YOU or your TIME.

  • You could monetize the content you are already making, no matter how many followers you have.
  • You knewΒ how to identify the RIGHT brands to pitch
  • You had aΒ repeatable processΒ to follow with each client so that you knew exactly what to say and when
  • You could finallyΒ start making meaningful money
  • You didn't have toΒ waste any more time sending pitch e-mails into la la land without getting a response
    PlusΒ all the BONUSES!
  • Sample Contract + Proposal
  • List of 25+ Brands with ContactsΒ 
  • Media Kit Guide + Template
  • Converting Clients to Long Term Contracts
  • Pitching for Beginners Checklist
Or 3 monthly payments of $200

Enroll today to level up your biz strategy and build a profitable and sustainable creative business in the foodie space.

Who is the VIP Experience For?

If you are an action taker, thrive by learning from others and desire the benefits of a coaching call with the ability to ask questions with real time support, need pitch e-mail reviews, talk through any specific brand scenarios during open office hours with Candice or just need an accountability partner- this option is for you!

*PS! This is the only opportunity to work with me in this capacity in 2024.


$2,500 value for only $899!
  • (2) 60 minute group coaching call will via Zoom inΒ April & May
  • 90 days of additional support via email and Voxer to help you navigate any scenario with a brand! (March, April, May) to help you navigate pitching to brands.
  • Entire Confident Pitch Program + BonusesΒ 
  • Access to the Private VIP Group in the course + Facebook Group for community feedback

This is an opportunity to ask me anything and learn from your peers.Β 

*This option isΒ limited to 8 Students ONLY and Sells out quickly *3 Spots remaining


Upgrade to VIP for just $899
or 4 monthly payments of $250


*See what VIP clients are saying and the quicker results they are seeing!*

I signed up for CandiceΒ΄s VIP CPP Program because I felt like a complete failure with my pitching. I used to send a lot of pitch emails and very rarelyΒ I got a reply... After getting help and guidance from Candice I got much more strategic in prospecting and I improved my pitch emails so the response rate is much higher now. She also helped to navigate through some negotiations and close a couple of deals and now I am looking forward to applying more of everything I learned from her in my future pitches and negotiations. IΒ  feel much more confident about the whole process now.

Veka @masas_de_madre


I am so so happy that I enrolled in The Confident Pitch Program. I'd been following Candice on Instagram for quite some time because I was drawn to her genuine AND generous nature, so I was super excited to join the program when enrollment opened up. Her course was a blessing!! Prior, I struggled with knowing what to charge, what to say and when and how to follow up with brands. Now, pitching is almost fun, and I know my worth! Since joining TCPP, I have waaayyy more confidence, don't get down about being ghosted and have landed a four-figure monthly contract creating content for a national brand. I'm also confident that I'm going to have much more success in the coming year with more brand deals and increased revenue becauseΒ I haveΒ a plan and a major cheerleader in my court! Thank you, Candice!!
SueΒ @wellhelloyummy
I wanted to share a quick win! I just landed two new clients already this month at $1,000 per recipe for one and $850 for the other. Both are multi-month deals with easy recipes so I already have $1,850 per month locked down for Q1 and it's only January 3rd! I used to dread pitching but changing my perspective about it has been a game changer and now I actually look forward to the pitch process. Jumping in and doing the work with a positive attitude has created such a shift in my business. It takes doing it for several months consistently to really get into a comfortable routine and I'm so grateful I got the ball rolling when I did. Thank you for everything!!!Β 
Β Christy @Feastingnotfasting


Here is the truth:  This is 10 years of corporate sales experience and trial and error that I've learned in my own business so that you don't have to. This is the exact strategy that I created and followed to see results in my business in less than 90 days. I should be charging more for this course...

BUT I know you may have doubts whether this will actually work. Or if its right for you. 

If you are committed to putting in the work and leveling up your pitching game by learning foundational business knowledge and skill and are a creative entrepreneur- you will see an ROI. 

Seriously girl, it really is much easier than you think!

Are countless hours spent pitching yet getting little to no responseΒ instead of being creative behind the camera OR trying to figure out how to price your services for profit OR negotiate effectively with brands so you don't have to work for product ever again OR know where to focus your time and energy to actually start making meaningful income worth $549?

If you answered 'YES!'- lets work together to streamline your process and strategy inΒ less than 4 weeks.

Business Planning

Laying the foundation to develop goals and process in your business for profit and fulfillment. 

Module Highlights:

  • Ways to monetize as a food photographer-  learn how to diversify your income and make a profit no matter where you are in your business
  • Determine the value of your services- knowing your pricing  to easily qualify if a job is in alignment with your goals
  • Goal Setting- Create goals based on desired outcome and learn to build a weekly and monthly action plan to consistently execute
  • Creating Process and Workflow- How to batch work and create a schedule that is efficient and maximizes your time for the highest ROI




How to position the value of your services based on what brands actually need and the key principles to qualifying which brands to work with and how.

Module Highlights:

  • Understanding the current market- to position the need for your services in a meaningful way to brands 
  • How to qualify a good prospectknowing your pricing  to easily qualify if a job is in alignment with your goals
  • The importance of researching - what you are trying to uncover before ever reaching out to a brand and crafting your tailored pitch
  • How to turn a cold pitch into a warm pitch- the foundational principles to follow that will increase chances of getting a response from a brand
  • Key Marketing Strategies-  the most effective marketing strategies to get your offer in front of the right person

Pitching Fundamentals

All the tools and strategies you need to know before pitching to any brand

Module Highlights:

  • Identifying your strengths- How to create an elevator pitch and use it effectively when reaching out to brands
  • Pitch Templates10+ pitch template examples to use no matter which stage you are in with your business
  • The Breakdown of a High Converting Pitch- learn the format to create and modify your own pitch e-mails to scale with you as your business grows
  • How to hit your income goals and work less- How to strategically target brands and paid work that yields longer term contracts and high value clients
  • BRANDS Method- a step by step sales funnel that helps you close more work with paying clients
  • BONUS- How to leverage video to stand out in a pitch and convert interested brands to paying customers

Negotiating with Confidence

Learn to position your unique value to brands and overcome the most common reasons that a prospect isn't moving forward so that you can lead the client to an easy YES!

Module Highlights:

  • Negotiation Principles- How to overcome the fear of negotiating and get what you want
  • Overcoming the 4 most common objections from brands to isolate the brands objection and lead them to saying YES!
  • 3 Closing Strategies that work- How to create additional value to the client with a call to action that will yield a signed contract
  • What happens after you close the deal? Contracts, collecting payment, delivering content/images and improving customer experience to develop long term partnerships. 

You'll Also Get...

Let's really fast-track your success!

  • BONUS 1Β --> 25+ Brand ContactsΒ ( $150 Value)Β 

    A list of 50+ Brands with Contacts to save your hours of time tracking down the right person to email.Β 

  • BONUS 2Β --> ContractΒ + Brand ProposalΒ ($500 Value)

    What to send to clients when you are in the final stage of negotiations. This includes aΒ  beautiful and customizable lawyer reviewed Contract + Proposal Template.

  • BONUS 3Β --> Turning Clients into Long Term Contracts ($47 Value)Β 

    Top 10 Tips for elevating your customer experience and turning one time clients into long termΒ partnerships so you can work smarter and not harder.

  • BONUS 4Β --> Media Kit GuideΒ  ( $19 Value)Β 

    Everything you need to know to create your own stellar Media Kit withΒ a Media Kit Sample.


I'm ready to join for $549


Still Got Questions?

“When I decided I was ready to take my blog full-time, the first thing I did was book a one-on-one call with Candice! I don't have any experience with sales, so pitching has always been my biggest struggle. In just 1 hour Candice was able to help me get over my anxieties about pitching and create a roadmap to getting a 'yes'! The next day, I pitched one of my DREAM clients using all of her tips, and I landed the partnership after just 1 email!!"

Kyleigh with @barleyandsage


“My session with Candice helped me pin point my strengths, clarify the direction of my business and learn how to identify my ideal clients.  She put together a pitching strategy that works for me, giving me the confidence I need to build my food photography business. Candice was kind, supportive and super knowledgeable."

-Onna with @Foodonnaplate

“Since taking mentorship with Candice I have felt more comfortable pitching! I learned how to pitch potential clients, what questions to ask before sending any rates, how to find clients and how to negotiate. Most importantly, feel confident with my work, give my rates feeling secure, knowing that my time and work matters.”

Paola with @Bocadostudio

Candice’s business model and 4-email sequence has truly helped my pitch process and I’m seeing more brands at least answering me! Also, working a full-time job and trying to grow a business at the same time is overwhelming, but Candice’s weekly schedule workbook has helped me achieve weekly tasks and not feeling burnt out from them!

- Nikki @thathangrygurl



The Confident Pitch Program

The first comprehensive business course that helps you confidently find, pitch and land the RIGHT brand opportunities in less than 4 weeks, so that you can spend less time pitching and more time on the creative stuff. 

Create a foolproof system that converts - without sacrificing YOU or your TIME.

  • 4 Modules, 20 Lessons with lifetime access
  • Immediate access to over 15+ Pitch E-mail Templates
  • How to Convert more Brands into High Value Paying Clients
  • Create Process & Workflow in Your Business
  • BONUS 1- ContractΒ Template
  • BONUS 2 -Β How to Develop Long Term Partnerships
  • BONUS 3 - Media Kit Guide
  • BONUS 4 - List of 25+ Brands with Contacts

Total Value = $2,500

Reserve your spot FOR JUST $549
Or 3 monthly payments of $200
Upgrade to VIP for only $899
OR 4 Monthly Payments OF $250

14-Day Risk-Free Guarantee

Let me 100% real with you

The Confident Pitch Program is the first comprehensive business course that is for Food Photographers, Bloggers and Creative Entrepreneurs who are committed to taking their business to the next level.

Here is the thing...

By the end of the 14-days, you will have received access to all 4 modules, templates and tools needed to start building momentum in your business. 

If you don't feel that The Confident Pitch Program has helped prepare you for success in business planning, pitching, and landing clients, simply reach out to us and we'll refund your investment. 


Who is the VIP Experience For?

If you are an action taker, thrive by learning from others and desire the benefits of a coaching call with the ability to ask questions with real time support, need pitch e-mail reviews, talk through any specific brand scenarios during open office hours with Candice or just need an accountability partner- this option is for you!

*PS! This is the only opportunity to work with me in this capacity in 2024.


$2,500 value for only $899!
  • (2) 60 minute group coaching call will via Zoom inΒ April & May
  • 90 days of additional support via email and Voxer to help you navigate any scenario with a brand! (March, April, May) to help you navigate pitching to brands.
  • Entire Confident Pitch Program + BonusesΒ 
  • Access to the Private VIP Group in the course + Facebook Group for community feedback

This is an opportunity to ask me anything and learn from your peers.Β 

*This option isΒ limited to 8 Students ONLY and Sells out quickly *3 Spots remaining

*Still on the fence?

Check out the Money Back Guarantee....


The ROI is Clear...

When you....

Land 3 brand Partnerhips @ $200= $600

Land 2 Brand Deals @ $500= $1,000

Land 1 Brand Deal @ $1,000 = $1,000

You willΒ more than make the money back by landing 1 brand deal.

Whats even better? This strategy will continue to earn you $$ month after month and years later....

And see whatΒ VIP clients are saying!Β 

I signed up for CandiceΒ΄s VIP CPP Program because I felt like a complete failure with my pitching. I used to send a lot of pitch emails and very rarelyΒ I got a reply... After getting help and guidance from Candice I got much more strategic in prospecting and I improved my pitch emails so the response rate is much higher now. She also helped to navigate through some negotiations and close a couple of deals and now I am looking forward to applying more of everything I learned from her in my future pitches and negotiations. IΒ  feel much more confident about the whole process now.

Veka @masas_de_madre


I am so so happy that I enrolled in The Confident Pitch Program. I'd been following Candice on Instagram for quite some time because I was drawn to her genuine AND generous nature, so I was super excited to join the program when enrollment opened up. Her course was a blessing!! Prior, I struggled with knowing what to charge, what to say and when and how to follow up with brands. Now, pitching is almost fun, and I know my worth! Since joining TCPP, I have waaayyy more confidence, don't get down about being ghosted and have landed a four-figure monthly contract creating content for a national brand. I'm also confident that I'm going to have much more success in the coming year with more brand deals and increased revenue becauseΒ I haveΒ a plan and a major cheerleader in my court! Thank you, Candice!!
SueΒ @wellhelloyummy
I wanted to share a quick win! I just landed two new clients already this month at $1,000 per recipe for one and $850 for the other. Both are multi-month deals with easy recipes so I already have $1,850 per month locked down for Q1 and it's only January 3rd! I used to dread pitching but changing my perspective about it has been a game changer and now I actually look forward to the pitch process. Jumping in and doing the work with a positive attitude has created such a shift in my business. It takes doing it for several months consistently to really get into a comfortable routine and I'm so grateful I got the ball rolling when I did. Thank you for everything!!!!
ChristyΒ @feastingnotfasting

I know first hand the importance of investing in your business. 


I have purchased course after course, read countless books, and learned from amazing mentors at some of the top companies. I wouldn't be where I am today without those experiences.

It takes time, discipline and commitment to growing your business and it also takes a level of risk. 

Should you choose to accept my invitation, I personally guarantee this will have an immediate impact on building momentum in your business.

I look forward to walking along side you on this journey and congratulating you for taking a big step forward towards your dreams. 

Candice Ward

Messages from CPP Students!